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How to Use Hand Planes

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Learn how to use hand planes with basic hand-held models. Smoothing planes would be a good example. The smoothing plane is used to create curves and edges. Combination planes can also be used for woodworking projects. A low-angle adjustable-mouth block and jack plane are also available. Read on to learn more about hand planes.

Smoothing plane

A smoothing plane is a great tool for woodworking. However, there are some jobs that are better suited to a hand-held plane. A well-tuned smoothing plane will produce a glass-smooth surface. To use this type of plane effectively, you should have a solid body position and a steady downward pressure. There are many types and styles of smoothing plans, but a good starting point is a metal smoothing plan.

wood hack

Combination plane

The Lee Valley Veritas combination plane is a modern version of the Stanley #45 combination airplane, which was made between 1884 and 1962. The hand plane claimed to have seven functions: plowing groove (beading), beading, creating dado/rebate housing and even planed a window's sash. The Veritas accepts blades from both planes and is a worthy alternative.

Jack plane

No matter if you are an experienced or novice woodworker, the simplest ways to use your jack plane will be useful. Two irons can be used together to make a jackplan. One is used for smoothing out large, narrow sections of wood. Each iron is slightly different in shape. The iron with the cambered head will scoop out the wood's deepest part. An additional iron smoothes the surface. It is also used to loosen edges.

Block plane with adjustable mouth and low angle

Low-angle adjustable-mouth block planes are similar to the #60 Stanley, but do not have fully adjustable mouths. It is supplied with a turned rosewood front knob. The #60 model has an adjustable mouth, which is a big difference to the #9 1/4 model. It generally doesn't have a high value and isn't worth much. While a Stanley block plane of good quality can last a lifetime it is also not highly valuable.

craft supplies wood

Grooving plane

A grooving (also known as a plough or a plane) is a woodworking tool for cutting grooves. It is designed to cut very narrow irons - some are only 3mm (1/8") wide - and is traditionally used for fitting cabinet backs and drawer bottoms, and frame and panel construction. It can also be used for cutting grooves within housing joints, such the one at shelf units' ends. To create grooves and tongues on the sides of large furniture pieces, a special grooving plan was used.


How long does it take to finish a piece of furniture?

It all depends on what type of wood you use, how complex your design is, and how much finishing you use. Hardwoods, for example, require more maintenance than softwoods. Hardwoods tend to be more expensive that softwoods. They are more durable and can withstand moisture better. Finishing furniture can take anywhere from one week up to three months.

What's the difference between a hobbyist and a professional woodworker?

Hobbyists love making things from wood while professionals are more concerned with the quality of their work. Hobbyists take great pride in their creations, and share them with family and friends. Professionals will spend hours researching designs and then begin to create a project. Professionals will be meticulous about all aspects of their work, from selecting the right materials to finishing it.

Where can you find free woodworking blueprints?

For free woodworking blueprints, you don’t need to read any magazines or buy any books. You only need to Google search. Simply type "free woodworking” into the search box and you'll find hundreds of websites that offer free plans.

What kind of wood should I use?

There are many wood types that are used in woodworking, including oak, maple and birch. Every type of wood is different and can have a unique look and feel that will affect the final product. For example, oak tends to be darker and harder than other woods. Birch is light and soft, while mahogany can be heavier and more dense. There are two options: solid wood and veneers. Veneers are thin wood sheets that are glued together to form one layer.

How do I identify the type of wood that I am dealing with?

Always check the label before purchasing wood. It should have information about the wood species as well its moisture content and whether any preservatives were used.

How do I learn basic woodworking skills?

It is an excellent way to learn how to build furniture. You can make a simple bench yourself. This project can be done with any kind of wood that you have at home. If you are unsure what type of wood is best, you can get cheap pine boards at Lowes (or Home Depot) instead. After building your bench, sand off any rough edges and apply a stain or varnish.


  • Average lumber prices rose about 600 percent between April 2020 and May 2021. (familyhandyman.com)
  • Most woodworkers agree that lumber moisture needs to be under 10% for building furniture. (woodandshop.com)
  • The best-paid 10 percent make $76,000, while the lowest-paid 10 percent make $34,000. (zippia.com)
  • If your lumber isn't as dry as you would like when you purchase it (over 22% in Glen Huey's opinion…probably over 10-15% in my opinion), then it's a good idea to let it acclimate to your workshop for a couple of weeks. (woodandshop.com)

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How To

How to make wood joint

This tutorial will demonstrate how to join two pieces together of wood. We will use the "pockethole joint," which means that we drill holes in the wooden pieces and then glue them together. If your wood is straight and flat, this method will work well. If your wood isn't straight or flat, you might want to try another method, such as dowel joinery. Here are the steps

  1. Drill Pocket Hole Joints. Measure and mark the location where you would like to place the pocket hole joint. Next, drill 3/4 inch holes in each end of each piece using a handheld drilling machine or jigsaw.
  2. Sand Smooth. Sanding the wood's edges will help ensure that the joint won't split later.
  3. Glue together. Apply glue on both sides of the wooden plank. Allow the wood to rest for five minutes before clamping it together.
  4. Attach the Pieces together. After the glue has dried you can attach the pieces to form a flush joint.
  5. Trim Joinery. Trim the excess wood around the joint after the glue has dried completely.

To be able to turn the pieces inside-out, leave enough room between them.


How to Use Hand Planes